Upholstery Service in California

Why You Need a Professional for Boat Upholstery
If your deck cushions are torn, covered in weird stains, or just looking worn out, it’s time to freshen up the look. Instead of handling the boat upholstery yourself, let the professionals in SOS Upholstery handle it for you. While we are...
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DIY Auto Upholstery: 3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Do It
There are a lot of DIY projects that you can complete with little know-how. This includes fixing your porch or repainting your walls. However, there are also a few DIY tasks that you shouldn’t attempt. (Unless, of course, you have proper...
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4 Reasons Why You Should Get Your Car Reupholstered
Do you want to give your car a makeover? How about getting it reupholstered? SOS Upholstery shares why you should consider this option. It adds comfort. Can you find at least one person who dislikes new car seats? ―Or in this case, newly...
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Is It Time to Reupholster My Furniture?
That’s a curious question you’ve got there. Lucky for you, we have some answers. Furniture is something that we use in everyday life. Everyone in the family enjoys its use. We rest on it, spend time with loved ones on it. Even our pets...
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How Do You Maintain Boat Upholstery?
Ah, a question for the ages! Luckily, SOS Upholstery is here to share some tricks of the trade. Boat upholstery is not like any other. It gets exposed to the sun and other unforgiving weather. If you leave it as it is, it tends to crack...
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3 Signs Its Time to Clean Your Upholstery
Furniture upholstery is a part of your day-to-day life, and after a while, it begins to show. Well-loved upholstery can be restored with professional treatment, but how do you know when it’s time to have it cleaned? SOS Upholstery, a...
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